An Irish woman's social, political and domestic commentary
Tuesday, October 11, 2005  


I have been a bit sensitive of late to the occasional hostile comment or letter to the ST. However, today for the 4th time since I began at the ST, I received a handwritten letter, re-directed from the ST's offices. And, for the 4th time, it is a nice letter.

The first one was from a 60-something woman who thanked me for writing the column on the value of stay-at-home mothers. She said she had been invisible and I had rightly pointed this out.

The second was from a midwife in Cork who said "hurrah" for my breastfeeding article and was going to copy it and give it out in her classes.

The third was from a dog-owning couple who said my dog-owning neighbours were stupid and should have fences.

Today's was about P&P from a "64 year old romantic bachelor still looking for his Elizabeth". No, he wasn't propositioning me but he wants me to write a column saying that the great advantage of being rich is that you can have a big house and the men and women can hide from each other and that distance is very important - a continuation of my separate bathroom's theme.

Isn't it brilliant that the people who go to the greatest trouble to write to me are nice? The hostile ones go to the Editor, but its nice to get positive ones in the door.

posted by Sarah | 20:56 0 comments
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